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Starship Combat Rounds and Roles (Printer Friendly)

Author Post
Sun Nov 12 2017, 02:13pm Print View
Registered Member #1060
Joined: Sun Feb 07 2016, 04:00pm
Posts: 21
I didn't think about this until I ran 1-04 and we all were flipping through our books for starship combat information and what the roles could do during combat. 1-00 had handouts for these, while 1-04 did not. Additionally, I wanted to have something that I could add to my New Player Packets.

The StarShip Combat Rounds file is in Landscape and set-up so you can print 2 copies by reinserting the paper into your printer so it prints on the bottom of the page and you can get 2 copies; I might update this later, as this is my first attempt.

The Starship Roles file is set-up to be able to include in my New Player Packets, but also set-up so one can cut out the roles and each role will only be on one cut out section. No role spans 2 pages.

Files are in Open Office and Word Formats.
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Pirate Rob
27 Apr : 15:08
While I'm not a lawyer and can't provide legal advice the CUP says the following (which specifically allows you to create your own versions of the maps, as long as they aren't going to be mistaken for official Paizo etc)

"You may not use artwork, including maps, that have not been published in the blog, although you may create your own interpretations of material presented in our artwork and maps, provided that your interpretations don't look substantially similar to our materials."

27 Apr : 05:10
Is it OK to share maps created via DungeonAlchemist for FoundryVTT for bounties/quests/modules? To clarify, maps created from scratch (but of course with the same layout as the PDF's map).

Pirate Rob
22 Mar : 13:21

22 Mar : 07:39
I've got a handout for 3-18, Dacilane Academy's Delightful Disaster, but there's no thread for it...

Pirate Rob
06 Jun : 15:30
Nope, things look normal to me, both logged in and incognito.

06 Jun : 15:05
Weird. I can only see the first page of the pf2 other forums… was some pruning done?

Pirate Rob
24 May : 17:25
Added PFS2 3-98, finished out season 4 and added the announced season 5 scenarios

24 May : 15:40
There's no folder for 3-98 - Expedition into Pallid Peril

25 Mar : 12:51
I have a PDF I made of the missive from 4-09 I could add, but I can't create a 4-09 forum. If someone would like to start one I'll put it in there.

Pirate Rob
22 Oct : 19:24
Sorry for the delay, I don't regularly read the chat box.

Added a skitterwarp section and squished some spambots.

Open Game License

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