Starship Combat Calculator and Reference google sheet
ThermalCat, Sat Oct 09 2021, 09:12pm

I have created a google spreadsheet callled

Starfinder Starship Reference Sheets v1.1.1

Building off the work of a previous post by u/uasutton on Reddit starfinder_rpg (credit also given in notes tab of sheet), I've made my own enhancements and included many of the Starship Operations Manual updates.

The first tab of the spreadsheet has instructions. The advantage of google sheets is that as one player updates the "Critical Damage Status" tab, the DCs of various crew actions are updated for all viewers sharing that sheet. The intended audience is for gaming groups where the players have access to computers and internet (especially groups playing remote or VTT).

Re: Starship Combat Calculator and Reference google sheet
ThermalCat, Mon Jan 03 2022, 06:27pm

An update has been added which included Boarding Actions

Starfinder Starship Reference V1.2

Re: Starship Combat Calculator and Reference google sheet
ThermalCat, Sat Jan 29 2022, 12:13am

A new V1.3 update is ready:

Starfinder Starship Reference Sheets v1.3
