Latest Forum Posts
Posted by Pirate Rob
Cards for the Chase.No DCs listed. Skill actions a[more ...]
02 Oct : 22:54

Posted by Pirate Rob
Title of each handout labeled as correct.
02 Oct : 22:22

Posted by Acutely Gwen
I made a simple spell card generator for pathfinde[more ...]
01 Jun : 19:38

Posted by Phredd
Updated with the new default Provisions healing po[more ...]
11 May : 11:55

Posted by Josh
I made a quick cheat sheet for myself with the ann[more ...]
10 Oct : 11:25

Posted by Krogania
Just a quick sheet I put together so I didn't have[more ...]
04 Oct : 00:34

Posted by Pirate Rob
Updated with Season 5 RIP reportingpfs2-5.docx
22 Jul : 01:32

Posted by Baerlie
Statblocks for book 1 of Quest for the Frozen Flam[more ...]
13 Jul : 06:43

Posted by DavisZW
added PDF Version of aid preparing_fredom_town.pdf
08 Jul : 08:20

Posted by DavisZW
GM Aid for Preparing Freedom Town Section preparin[more ...]
08 Jul : 08:17

Chatbox (all posts)

bullet TheBigBlueFrog on Tuesday 17 September 2019 - 16:46:25
Thanks, RT.
bullet Redchin_Thunder on Sunday 08 September 2019 - 22:07:53
Also, up in Starfinder - Other

Print on Transparencies

5', 10', 15', 20' bursts
15' straight and diagonal cones
30' straight and diagonal cones
20' lines (3x)
30' lines (3x)
bullet Redchin_Thunder on Sunday 08 September 2019 - 21:23:02
Hey putting up a quick and dirty SECRET CHECK ACTIONS sheet that players can fill out for the GM, by action name and associated skill and modifier.
bullet Pirate Rob on Wednesday 21 August 2019 - 03:54:15
PF2 Quests Subforum added
bullet Pcrotteau on Tuesday 20 August 2019 - 11:26:50
Second Brattykat
bullet SLATE on Tuesday 06 August 2019 - 21:08:40
Updated Pathfinder Society (2nd edition) Roleplaying Guild Guide to match Web Version 0.02 (8/5/2019 @ 18:00)
bullet brattykat on Saturday 03 August 2019 - 04:22:26
Need to add the quest forum to PF2
bullet SLATE on Saturday 03 August 2019 - 00:16:53
Also added 1-02 GM prep file :)
bullet SLATE on Friday 02 August 2019 - 20:26:24
Got the PF2 ball rolling with a couple of GM items that everyone can use :)

Check the "other" folder for the goods!
bullet Starglim on Tuesday 28 May 2019 - 07:08:10
Posted a PFS introduction and some other items for Crypt of the Everflame.
bullet bengrow on Friday 15 March 2019 - 15:09:54
Starship sheet of the Drake tier 2 for SFS with the changes of the guide 1.1 posted in reply of the original post with all the tier pegasus and drake. Enjoy !
bullet Gary on Friday 08 March 2019 - 13:04:42
In the Star Season 1, there are two 1-31. Acts of Association is 1-32.
bullet Redchin_Thunder on Sunday 20 January 2019 - 00:45:11
Summon Creature Cards uploaded in Starfinder - as well as some Against the Aeon Throne files. Enjoy!
bullet kvid on Wednesday 14 November 2018 - 18:15:18
@Pirate Rob, I will definitely try to remember that.
bullet Pirate Rob on Monday 05 November 2018 - 19:26:56
Hey everybody, I've had to delete a large number of maps this last week. Please familiarize yourself with before posting.
bullet Pirate Rob on Wednesday 24 October 2018 - 15:02:59
That "someone" is me. As a note I only read the chatbox very irregularly. The email listed on the Read Me page is a much more reliable way of getting a hold of me.
bullet kvid on Friday 12 October 2018 - 03:48:12
Could someone please add a category for "We Be 5uper Goblins" and rename "We Be Goblins Four" to "We B4 Goblins". That'd be greatly appreciated.
bullet ChronoNinja on Friday 28 September 2018 - 08:44:41
Added a Playtest Reporting Sheet to the "Other" forum under 2E playtest.
bullet KApperson on Wednesday 08 August 2018 - 14:55:13
Uploaded PF Playtest materials!
bullet Pirate Rob on Thursday 26 July 2018 - 14:05:08
Hey everybody. please remember that we're specifically excluded from using Paizo's art (unless it appears in a blog)
bullet BretI on Friday 20 July 2018 - 10:10:54
New artwork by HMM for Skittermander miniatures posted into the Skitter Shot area.
bullet TheBigBlueFrog on Wednesday 18 July 2018 - 13:22:33
I used several resources from this site to run Shrine of the Sacred Tempest this weekend, and it was so helpful. Thank you all.
bullet CanisDirus on Monday 04 June 2018 - 02:26:55
As always, we are in your debt for continuing to manage this site, Rob! Thank you!!
bullet Pirate Rob on Sunday 03 June 2018 - 06:00:12
I added subforums for all the scenarios I could find.

My email is available on the Read Me page, and I am contactable via Paizo PM as well.

Not having actually played any Starfinder it's super easy for me to get behind there. Feel free to contact me whenever anything falls behind or is otherwise problematic.

I only read the chatbox here irregularly.
bullet dkmuldoon on Friday 01 June 2018 - 20:27:07
Uploaded a printable flier for Heroes for Highdelve
bullet GM Darkdante on Tuesday 29 May 2018 - 17:08:56
anyone have prep for SFS 1-6?
bullet CanisDirus on Sunday 27 May 2018 - 09:39:09
Short of having contact information for someone with admin access, the only way I know of is to make a post "somewhere" and then flag your own post with a note/request. Hope that helps.
bullet Woran on Friday 25 May 2018 - 10:52:25
Yeah, I have prep for SFS1-12 Ashes of Discovery to upload
bullet Kevin Willis on Tuesday 15 May 2018 - 22:44:14
I'm assuming standard users can't create subforums... can we get some added for the recent SFS scenarios? I have some prep to upload...
bullet Rigby on Monday 14 May 2018 - 12:24:30
Uploaded comprehensive prep for Iron Gods - Fires of Creation
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Pirate Rob
21 Sep : 05:25
Err, i think I fixed it!

Pirate Rob
21 Sep : 04:32
*no ETA

Pirate Rob
21 Sep : 04:28
The theme and Forum navigation both experienced catastrophic failure. The database and forums are intact, and if you know the URL of the post you want that's still accessible.

Currently no URL on full site functionality

Pirate Rob
27 Apr : 15:08
While I'm not a lawyer and can't provide legal advice the CUP says the following (which specifically allows you to create your own versions of the maps, as long as they aren't going to be mistaken for official Paizo etc)

"You may not use artwork, including maps, that have not been published in the blog, although you may create your own interpretations of material presented in our artwork and maps, provided that your interpretations don't look substantially similar to our materials."

27 Apr : 05:10
Is it OK to share maps created via DungeonAlchemist for FoundryVTT for bounties/quests/modules? To clarify, maps created from scratch (but of course with the same layout as the PDF's map).

Pirate Rob
22 Mar : 13:21

22 Mar : 07:39
I've got a handout for 3-18, Dacilane Academy's Delightful Disaster, but there's no thread for it...

Pirate Rob
06 Jun : 15:30
Nope, things look normal to me, both logged in and incognito.

06 Jun : 15:05
Weird. I can only see the first page of the pf2 other forums… was some pruning done?

Pirate Rob
24 May : 17:25
Added PFS2 3-98, finished out season 4 and added the announced season 5 scenarios

Open Game License

e107.v4 theme by jalist