Latest Forum Posts
Posted by Pirate Rob
Cards for the Chase.No DCs listed. Skill actions a[more ...]
02 Oct : 22:54

Posted by Pirate Rob
Title of each handout labeled as correct.
02 Oct : 22:22

Posted by Acutely Gwen
I made a simple spell card generator for pathfinde[more ...]
01 Jun : 19:38

Posted by Phredd
Updated with the new default Provisions healing po[more ...]
11 May : 11:55

Posted by Josh
I made a quick cheat sheet for myself with the ann[more ...]
10 Oct : 11:25

Posted by Krogania
Just a quick sheet I put together so I didn't have[more ...]
04 Oct : 00:34

Posted by Pirate Rob
Updated with Season 5 RIP reportingpfs2-5.docx
22 Jul : 01:32

Posted by Baerlie
Statblocks for book 1 of Quest for the Frozen Flam[more ...]
13 Jul : 06:43

Posted by DavisZW
added PDF Version of aid preparing_fredom_town.pdf
08 Jul : 08:20

Posted by DavisZW
GM Aid for Preparing Freedom Town Section preparin[more ...]
08 Jul : 08:17

Chatbox (all posts)

bullet Deussu on Saturday 13 December 2014 - 17:15:13
#6-08 The Segang Expedition statblocks uploaded
bullet FortuitousOne on Monday 08 December 2014 - 12:03:25
My group will finish the S01 Devil We Know four parter tomorrow. I particularly enjoyed the Crazed Painter in part three and four.
bullet kana on Thursday 20 November 2014 - 22:44:33
Just uploaded 33 Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible. Enjoy.
bullet kana on Thursday 06 November 2014 - 22:52:46
Just uploaded 55 The Infernal Vault Stat Blocks - enjoy. Note: I like fine print.
bullet Asperax on Wednesday 05 November 2014 - 22:45:26
Magical scrolls and The 12 guises of Aroden added for 5-08 The Confirmation.
bullet CanisDirus on Wednesday 05 November 2014 - 18:38:27
I don't suppose anyone has 4-16 (non HL) stat blocks? I know they were in the old GM folders. No worries if not though!
bullet Sammo on Sunday 02 November 2014 - 09:39:44
Does anyone have the stat blocks for Year of the Shadow Lodge (s2 special)? Just checking. Thanks.
bullet Pirate Rob on Sunday 12 October 2014 - 12:17:12
Looks like the guy edited them out. Note that Paizo maps are one of the few things its not okay to reproduce.
bullet kerwin1970 on Wednesday 08 October 2014 - 11:29:12
I went looking for the maps for 5-21 Merhcant's Wake and I didn't see anything. Am I missing something?
bullet Carlos Robledo on Thursday 02 October 2014 - 10:16:49
bullet TorKa on Wednesday 01 October 2014 - 17:10:17
Thanks for the prepork on 6-4 and 6-5. Just a note, you named both files 6-4 Beacon Below(when you print it out.
bullet Carlos Robledo on Tuesday 30 September 2014 - 16:48:16
I'm starting emerald spire for a group of friends who are going to go through the entire thing with the same characters. I made up a PFS-centric intro and knowledge checks that may be useful for other players going through it!
bullet Amber Die on Friday 26 September 2014 - 07:08:15
Playing 195 hours in 35 days, our group was the first to complete the Emerald Spire. In the hopes of aiding other GMs, I have posted our entire project, as well as reflections on the first nine levels; an additional level will be posted each week. We look forward to any feedback or discussion of other experiences in the Spire.
bullet Deussu on Friday 26 September 2014 - 05:53:41
Slave Ships of Absalom stat blocks added (in .docx format)
bullet Carlos Robledo on Thursday 25 September 2014 - 12:01:00
Beacon Below stats added
bullet Pirate Rob on Wednesday 24 September 2014 - 00:28:07
As always, a big thanks to everybody for their continued support in creating awesome stuff.
bullet Woran on Friday 19 September 2014 - 07:09:15
All monster statblocks for Brinewall castle form Jade Regent Adventure Path added.
bullet Silbeg on Wednesday 17 September 2014 - 15:57:04
Added #3-14: Wonders of the Weave, Part II: Snakes in the Fold
bullet Silbeg on Friday 12 September 2014 - 21:00:17
Updated sheets for Eyes of the Ten, Part II: Maze of the Open Road. Should be complete for that scenario.

I will be updating more at a later date (including for Requiem for the Red Raven)
bullet Deussu on Wednesday 10 September 2014 - 05:59:46
Uploaded #2-04 missing monster stats in .rtf format.
bullet DrParty06 on Saturday 06 September 2014 - 11:00:52
Uploaded intro text for running Emerald Spire Level 1 in PFS.
bullet Silbeg on Monday 01 September 2014 - 21:58:01
Uploading monster sheets for Dog Pharoah's Tomb (3-12)... with thanks to Carlos Robledo, who's format I stole/copied.
bullet Lucas S on Friday 29 August 2014 - 10:04:51
Just uploaded support maps for the Clockmaze Level in Emerald Spire.
bullet FortuitousOne on Thursday 28 August 2014 - 10:43:32
Brand new GM here. Thank you guys for putting together something like this. It will be extremely helpful with the stuff I will run. I have added a "Goblin" drawn map for WBG! and a Goblin Bard we put together in both .pdf and .por format.
bullet Iammars on Sunday 24 August 2014 - 02:04:57
I got the first half of the Emerald Spire stat blocks up! Working on the other half now.
bullet CanisDirus on Wednesday 20 August 2014 - 21:15:27
Sammo, if those are the ones that have the check boxes, they are *really* helpful in my area!
bullet Sammo on Sunday 17 August 2014 - 01:31:32
How useful are reporting checklists to people? I have been making them as I go through my season 5 scenarios. If people want them I will upload them.
bullet Pirate Rob on Monday 11 August 2014 - 11:54:10
Fixed, it was one of those not quite file remnants on the old gdrive.
bullet SWerner on Sunday 10 August 2014 - 21:23:53
You have a post under 3-17: Red Harvest called "Red Notes" but there is no file linked to it.
bullet TetsujinOni on Sunday 10 August 2014 - 20:43:35
I'll build up the stuff for those two scenarios again after GenCon.
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Pirate Rob
21 Sep : 05:25
Err, i think I fixed it!

Pirate Rob
21 Sep : 04:32
*no ETA

Pirate Rob
21 Sep : 04:28
The theme and Forum navigation both experienced catastrophic failure. The database and forums are intact, and if you know the URL of the post you want that's still accessible.

Currently no URL on full site functionality

Pirate Rob
27 Apr : 15:08
While I'm not a lawyer and can't provide legal advice the CUP says the following (which specifically allows you to create your own versions of the maps, as long as they aren't going to be mistaken for official Paizo etc)

"You may not use artwork, including maps, that have not been published in the blog, although you may create your own interpretations of material presented in our artwork and maps, provided that your interpretations don't look substantially similar to our materials."

27 Apr : 05:10
Is it OK to share maps created via DungeonAlchemist for FoundryVTT for bounties/quests/modules? To clarify, maps created from scratch (but of course with the same layout as the PDF's map).

Pirate Rob
22 Mar : 13:21

22 Mar : 07:39
I've got a handout for 3-18, Dacilane Academy's Delightful Disaster, but there's no thread for it...

Pirate Rob
06 Jun : 15:30
Nope, things look normal to me, both logged in and incognito.

06 Jun : 15:05
Weird. I can only see the first page of the pf2 other forums… was some pruning done?

Pirate Rob
24 May : 17:25
Added PFS2 3-98, finished out season 4 and added the announced season 5 scenarios

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